Juxtaposition : Analogies

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One good analogy is worth three hours discussion.
~Dudley Field Malone

Analogy is to use something familiar to explain a complex matter. It is a mixed between metaphor and similes.

A figure of speech that implies comparison between two different things that actually share something in common. Using one thing to describe another thing

A figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared.
A simile is when the term 'as' or 'like' is used.

Simile is "Her hand is like a slender ivory sculpture"
Metaphor is "Her hand is a slender ivory sculpture"
~Kohl (1992)

Logical analogies

To use similarity in the design, structure or function to connect back to the subject.
Example: The aeroplane can be compared to a bird as the physical appearance of the spreading wings and the ability to fly matches.

Affective Analogies

To compare emotion to a certain characteristic.
Example: Slow like a tortoise, as beautiful as nature

A few ads that used analogies as concept to convey the message.

333 strokes per second. Colgate 360 Sonic Power.

Tougher than it looks. Smart.

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