Creativity, Novelty, Innovation, Invention

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Lesson 2 was about Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention. When I first digest these 4 words the first thing that came to mind was FRONT Design Company. Their work comprises these 4 words in the best possible ways. FRONT is an interactive system that motion captures the strokes you make when drawing in 3D space. It takes the information, processes it through a computer, and allows you to watch a video of what you were drawing while you did it, as well as send the data to a 3D molding machine to actually produce what you sketched.

Lesson 2 discuss on the very meaning of creativity itself. It is so vast and subjective that till these days, people still argue on the complexity of creativity and the mystery of how it is learned.

In my opinion, creativity belongs to anybody. From music to science even architecture. However there is small line between great creativity and a subtle one. If the thing created goes unnoticed, it is just a representation of small portion of creativity. In order for it to be CREATIVE (capital C), it has to be noticed and changed the society views and condition.

Innovation is to bring new ideas to make changes. But first, is to find a problem and come out with a solution, basically a process of turning ideas into practical reality. It is also a process where ideas or invention is translated into goods or services that people would pay for.

Novelty is the quality of being new. Something is novelty to some people. It is essentially exist in the subjective perceptions of the individuals.
There are two types of novelty, subjective novelty which is appreciation of something as being new by an individual people or group. For example, mobile phone is something common nowadays, but brings it into an outskirt area where communicating means talking face to face, they will find mobile phones something fascinating.

Differ with objective novelty; it is something that is new for all humanity in its development through ages. Something that even experts of that area agreed with the quality.

All of the above apply to the FRONT Design Company, with the main designers are female, which busted the stereotype male dominated industry. The ingenious use of rotoscoping, 3D element, design concept and product making. They combine novelty, invention, innovation and obviously CREATIVITY.

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